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Impact of Weather on KidSat


NASA has defined certain weather conditions which are pre-requisites for launching and landing the shuttle. The full details of the weather requirements can be found at the NASA weather launch criteria web site. For launch, some of the key requirements (in somewhat simplified form) are:

Temperature -- between 41 and 99 degrees

Wind -- less than 20 knots

Precipitation -- none

Lightning -- none within 10 nautical miles (one nautical mile = 1.15 miles)
Clouds -- generally clear and no cumulo-nimbus storm clouds)

The temperature limits were established in order to avoid extremes that could affect the workings of shuttle parts. The clear sky and relatively low winds are required in case the shuttle has to make an emergency landing back at KSC. There are also weather requirements for emergency landing sites around the world, in case there is a need to abort a launch in process. It is not uncommon to have weather related delays in launch.

During the preparations for launch of an actual mission, you can access NASA's weather report and forecasts, including the chances of weather-related postponement of launch, through the link 
"KSC Weather" on the KidSat weather page.


Teachers' Guide   Page 8.16