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Activity Set #1


You can do these activities in a few periods, or you can extend the further. The important thing is for students to be able to download live weather images, begin to make sense of them, and develop a sense of excitement about watching the weather, live from space. At a minimum, you and your students should download current weather images as often as possible, just to see how they look and to watch the weather change.


1.  You need to know how to access current satellite images.  Once you have Netscape running, the simplest way to get images is to connect to the KidSat weather page:

2. The ideal classroom situation is to have several computers, each of which is connected to the Internet.  Alternatively, you may want to download images live before class, print them (using gray scale, to get the full detail of the image), and photocopy them to distribute to the students.

3. The descriptions here ask you, as the teacher, to download the images.  It is preferable for you to train a student, or group of students, to do this, and have this "weather team" take care of all of the  downloading, saving and printing for you.

In any case, it is essential for these activities for you to use live images!

Teachers' Guide
Page 8.19