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Fogo Island, Cape Verde Islands (Volcano Image #1)

NOTE: The four images of volcanoes make a nice sequence, each providing different insights on volcanoes. Many other volcano images are available. Volcanoes are also good targets for your students' future KidSat missions.

image #STS028-97-055
10 August, 1989
Hasselblad Camera, 250mm lens

Background for the teacher:

This is Fogo Island, Cape Verde. Fogo Island is one of the volcanoes which comprise the Cape Verde Islands, a group of volcanoes off the west coast of Africa that occur as a result of a "hot spot" in Earth's mantle. Fogo has the profile of a young volcano - the sharp conical summit which sits in a circular caldera has not yet been worn down by erosion. Small cinder cones sit within the caldera and on the flanks of the mountain.

Fogo is one of Africa's more active volcanoes. The most recent eruption was in 1995.

This image is a good starting point for a series of photos of volcanoes because it shows a single volcano, so strikingly present as an island in the ocean.

Possible starting points for student investigations:

•Is this island flat or does it have mountains? Draw the island in cross-section.
•What is the darker area in the middle of the island?
•Why do clouds from in a circle around the center of the island?
•How big is this island?

Teachers' Guide
Page 9.26