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Do you want to download the entire image or a zoomed view? (Notice that if you have not done any zooming on the Image Viewer Page these two options are identical.)

What size image would you like to download? (you have seven choices here, ranging from the full resolution 18 megabyte file to the thumbnail image that appeared on the thumbnail page.) We recommend that you select an image no larger than 768 by 512 pixels. Anything larger can take a significant amount of time to download. 

What format do you want to download the images in? PICT? GIF? JPEG? TIFF? (We recommend PICT if you are using NIH Image to do your image processing work)

Once you select the format you wish to download the image in, your request will automatically be submitted.

If you have any difficulties when downloading images, use the "ask questions" form or the "report problems" form to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Teachers' Guide                      Page 10.4