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3. Monitor the Shuttle-- Students use a computer to access NASA and KidSat's Web pages, to get current data on the location and activities of the shuttle. Your students especially await confirmation that the KidSat camera has been placed in the shuttle window. They also get and post the official data on the position of the up-coming orbital tracks. (KidSat and Shuttle Status Area)

Note: During the flight, the following steps are repeated for each new orbit (every 90 minutes):


4. Position the orbital overlay on the base map-- Based on orbital data from the KidSat Mission Operations web page, your students align a plastic overlay of the orbital track on top of the base map. This is done for the next orbit for which students can select targets. They place the overlay in the same position on two separate maps, each on a different table. (Target Selection Area) 

Teachers' Handbook                     Page 17