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Chapter 2: Introduction to the Web

Objective: To become familiar with the world-wide-web, and some ways it will be used in KidSat. 

This chapter provides an introduction to the web, an introduction to NetScape (the software that we use in KidSat to browse the web), and an introduction to some of the web sites that are useful or essential in KidSat.

The world-wide-web is an essential part of KidSat. You will be using it extensively before, during, and after the mission. Before the mission, your students will use the web to access information about the flight, plan their photo selections (using SMOC web pages), and participate in pre-flight simulations. During the shuttle flight, the web will be your means of getting up-to-date information about the flight and the KidSat camera, obtaining current weather information, selecting your photos, submitting your photo requests, and viewing your photos. After the flight, you will use the web to access your photos (and thousands of other photos of the Earth taken on numerous shuttle flights), and tools to help you analyze them.

Later chapters will teach your students the details of how to use the SMOC web pages to interact with the KidSat Mission Control and the KidSat data system to view the images.


• Your students must be familiar with the web to participate in KidSat. This means:
   • you must have access to computers connected to the internet
   • those computers need NetScape, version 3.0 or higher. (NetScape is free to educational institutions)

The following web sites are essential for KidSat:

The following are other space-related sites of interest: (shuttle homepage) (NASA site for educators) (site containing thousands of Earth images)

Teachers' Handbook    Page 36