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Chapter 5: Geography for KidSat

Objective: To provide a basic understanding of world maps, and how to specify a location in terms of latitude and longitude.

This chapter provides a brief introduction to geography. It is important for your students to have a basic understanding of the Earth's surface, be able to use a map the select interesting sites, and be able to specify their locations in terms of latitude and longitude.


• Latitude lines circle the Earth in a east-west direction.

- The equator is at 0 degrees latitude,  and separates the Earth into north and south 

- Latitude measures how far north or south a point on the Earth lies from the equator.

- Locations north of the equator have latitudes between 0 degrees and 90 degrees N (at 
  the North Pole).

- Locations south of the equator have latitudes between 0 degrees and 90 degrees S (at
  the South Pole).

• Longitude lines circle the Earth in a north-south direction.

- The Prime Meridian, the line of longitude that passes through Greenwich, England, is 
  0 degrees longitude.

- Longitude measures how far east or west a point on the Earth lies from the Prime 

- Locations east of the Prime Meridian have longitudes between 0 degrees and 180 
  degrees E.

- Locations west of the Prime Meridian have longitudes between 0 degrees and 180 
  degrees W. 

Teachers' Handbook                     Page 39