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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.,,eliwag@mail.sand,9/14/97 5:4 1

To:,,,,,,, clifton@tenet.egu,,,,,,,,,,,
From: (kidcontact)
Subject: photo recipe

From: Betsy Strick, KidSat UCSD
Re: Photo recipe

Now that our pages are finally up for a short time before the sim, I want to make sure this is easy for your students. I know if we had just given them a chance and left the pages up for three minutes in a row during a school day....

Since there is so little time, I wanted to make sure you and your students have an easy time getting the MET and exact lat/lon from the map page. This is a quick photo recipe. (Remember, for the moment, you have to click on the map and be zoomed in or it won't work; I hope that eventually it all gets fixed).

To get MET
1) click on the SELECT LAT/LON button. When the 'select lat/lon' button is 'on', it is black. It has to be on, or the rest won't work. Then you point to a pink part of the orbit line -- directly on the line -- and click (sometimes you have to zoom in a bit first). A box with the orbit number, MET, exact lat/lon associated with that MET, its distance off the track, should pop on the screen.

Or if your students are using a slider map to pick a lat/lon you can take their lat/lon to the map page, then 2) click the SELECT LAT/ LON button so that is black ('on'). Next, scroll down to the part where it says 'input latitude and longitude' . Enter the latitude and longitude where you want the photo taken -- click the correct north/south/east/west buttons. Then click on the bar that says 'determine photo opportunities'. You should then see the box with the orbit number, the MET, the exact lat/lon associated with that MET, the distance off the track.

Write down all the info that is in the larger box (the box includes 'orbit number, MET, lat/lon, distance off track') and this is the info you will enter in the 'photo entry' page. (Make sure that you use the lat and lon that are in the same box as the orbit number and MET; do not use the lat and lon of 'selected point').

Once you have this info, you can enter it in the photo entry page (the format used to enter lat and lon is degrees, XX.XX, and MET is 00/00:00:00). You can always change the info you have entered in the photo entry page by typing the same codeword again, and then editing what was there before.

Please let me know if you see any more problems with the pages, and I'll hurry and tell people here that they need fixing!

Thanks for your patience.

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