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[[top left image: KidSat logo and web menu]]

What can Netscape do for me?

You will be able to access all types of information from around the world. Currently, there are many sites to visit that are of interest to educators and students. These sites may contain lesson plans, graphics, on-line interactive programs, and downloadable computer programs. You will also be able to access all of the KidSat web pages.

What do I need to get started?

You will need access to the internet, either through a dial-in connection (using a modem) or through a direct connection. Ask your system administrator how your site is connected. You will also need software, either Netscape or a simple ptogram that can be used to download Netscape 2.0 to your machine. The following text assumes you are running Netscape 2.0 with a network connection to the Internet. If you need help acquiring Netscape or establishing a network connection to the Internet, consult your system administrator or technical contact. 

Assuming that you are connected to the internet, open Netscape. This will bring you to the Netscape Homepage:
[[image: Netscape homepage]]

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