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Location: is used to find the URL (page address) of the current page and to enter other URLs of pages you want to view.  Every page is distinguished by its URL.

You can also "bookmark" items by selecting Bookmarks in the menu at the top of your page.  You can add a bookmark menu item for the page you are viewing bu choosing Add Bookmark under the Bookmarks menu.  This provides a more permanent means of page retrieval.  Once you add a bookmark to your list, the title stays until you remember to change your list.  This makes it quicker and easier to access your favorite or most used pages!

What can I do to practice?

Practice moving back and forth between two pages

1. On the Netscape Homepage click on the highlighted word Netscape General Store.  This will bring up a new page.  (Notice the location URL is now different)

2.  Now click on the toolbar's Back button to see the previous page.  This will bring you back to the Netscape Homepage. 

3.  Now click on the toolbar's Forward button to go forward a page.  This will bring you back to the Netscape General Store Page. 

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