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Helpful Hints, Variation, and Extensions
Have the students plot their day's activities on a timeline.
Have the students work in pairs and make a timeline including both of their days.

Worksheet Directions
MET: label MET on the timeline 00:00 (launch!) is labelled; the tick marks are every half-hour, and there are six hours on this timeline. The students should label every half-hour.

Crew Activities: block out the periods of time the crew will be performing each activity (the first 30 minutes of the flight is blocked off as "launch" -- this includes the actual launch itself, and the initial configuring of the shuttle after launch.)

Orbit Numbers: label the orbit numbers. The first orbit number is orbit #1, as labelled on the worksheet, and it begins at launch; the orbits are then numbered sequentially, and are approximately 90 minutes long. There are four orbits on this timeline.

Day/Night: mark the approximate periods of day and night (this is a slightly harder one). After the first short period of darkness (the length of which depends on the launch time) the cycle is, approximately, 45 minutes of day, then 45 minutes of night. The first partial night, followed by the first day/night cycle, are marked on the worksheet.

Crew activities:

(prepare for and execute) OMS burn | from 00:30 to 01:00 | 30 min

configure computers                | from 01:00 to 01:15 | 15 min

unstrap, change clothes, etc.      | from 01:15 to 02:00 | 45 min

open payload bay doors             | from 02:00 to 02:30 | 30 min

activate spacehab module           | from 02:30 to 03:00 | 30 min

pre-sleep                          | from 03:00 to 05:00 | 2 hours

sleep                              | from 05:00 to _____ |

07/10/96         Page 3.22

Transcription Notes:
Correct the formatting for the text box crew activities if needed!