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Shuttle Flight Fact Sheet
T+ 08:30 minutes
The three main engines are cut off, the external tank is dropped, and the orbiter follows a low elliptical orbit. 
T+45:00 minutes
OMS engines are fired to put the shuttle in a stableorbit. 
T+02:04 minutes
The solid rockets exhaust their fuel, detach, and fall into the ocean. The three main engines continue to fire. 
During orbit, the payload bay doors are open. 
Solid rockets are ignited and the shuttle lifts off. Shuttle clears the launch pad six seconds later. 
The shuttle reenters the atmosphere.
T-:07 seconds
Computers command the shuttles three main engines to start. 
T-2 hours
Astronauts board the shuttle and prepare for launch. 
It lands like an airplane!

07/10/96    Chapter 3 fact sheet