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Code Words: what they are, and why we need them

Once your students have selected and confirmed a target, they will use the Photo Entry web page to send the information associated with that target to the KidSat Mission Control Gateway. When they call up that web page, the first thing they must do is enter a code word. Your SMOC will be assigned a list of 50 code words a few months before the shuttle flight. Once a legal code word is entered, the rest of the Photo Entry form appears on the screen, and your students can enter the information associated with the target. 

Your code word list. When you receive your list of 50 code words, each will have a record number and a priority which will be associated with it. 


[[3 column table]]

priority # | record # | code word
1 | 2015 |foggy08
1 | 2016 |shell12
3 | 2024 |check21
4 | 2030 |where07

In this example, the code word foggy08 carries priority 1 (the highest) and is record number 2015. There is a record number with each code word. There are five code words for each priority level (Five of your code words will carry priority 1, five priority 2, etc., down to five with priority 10). More on record numbers and priorities later. 

Why Code words? You will assign a code word to each photo you select. Code words serve three basic purposes:

Security. Requiring a code word with each photo selection ensures that only KidSat schools can submit photo requests. 

Photo prioritization. There are now 15 schools involved in KidSat; we will probably not be able to accommodate all requests, so we ask that you prioritize your photos (with "priority 1" the most important). The way that you communicate your priority to us is through your choice of code word. 

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