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Fairness. This method maximizes the possibility that all the SMOCs will get their most important pictures taken, and that no SMOC can flood the system with requests and dominate the camera. Each SMOC has 5 priority 1 photos, 5 priority 2 photos, etc. 

How the process should work. When your students have selected a target, confirmed its lat/lon, and determined the MET associated with it, they are ready to submit the request. Before the photo is submitted, the students must assign it priority (priority 1,2 ...10). Once a priority is assigned they should go to the list of your code words and select one which carries that priority. Assign that code word to the target. The students can then use this code word to "unlock" the Photo Entry form and enter the information on that target. 
When the request is submitted, all the information your students enter (including the code word) is sent to a database at UCSD. The database knows what record number and priority is associated with each code word. 

Why the record number? (Because we learned the hard way during the first KidSat flight!). The record number gives us a way of letting you know the status of your photo request without referring to it by your secret code word. Your students can check the Photo List web page, and see the status of this photo. We don't want to refer to the photo by code word, because that would reveal your code words to anyone with access to that page...and, as you'll see below, if others knew your code word, they could go in and alter your photo request. 

Modifying a photo request. Suppose your students submit a photo request, then realize that they have typed in the wrong MET; or you've been told that the shuttle orbit has changed slightly, and when your students re-check the target, they find that the shuttle still passes over it, but at a slightly different MET. You will want to change the MET that you submitted with that target. You can alter a request by calling up the Submit Request page, and entering the code word associated with that target. The data will re-appear, and can then be edited and re-submitted. 

8/28/96      Page 7.17