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Changing a target. It could easily happen that after you have submitted a request, new data on the shuttle's orbit will reveal that the shuttle ground track no longer goes over your precise target (it may go over a nearby one; it may not). In this case, you will want to change your target entirely. Once you have selected a new target, go to the Photo Entry page and either (1) create a new code word (then enter the appropriate information), or (2) enter the code word corresponding to a target which is no longer good, and replace the old information with information on the new target, then re-submit. 

Re-using a code word. A single code word can't be used to take two pictures. However, if you have submitted a photo using a code word and that photo is no longer one you want to take (for whatever reason), you can re-use the code word. 

You will undoubtedly re-use your code words. About 6 weeks before the flight, we will have you plan a complete set of photos. This provides critical practice (for you and for us) and it also gives KidSat a set of METs to load in the camera before launch. You will use your code words to submit your selections. However, the chances are very good that the orbit that the shuttle will actually go into after launch will be somewhat different than the one predicted before the flight. This means that the shuttle will likely not go over the precise targets you chose and submitted before the launch. 

Helpful Hint: Keep a running list of used and unused code words, and code words you now consider available for re-use. Note that a "used" code word can revert to a code word available for re-use. 

Note: The status of a submitted photograph tells you whether you can/should alter the data associated with a photograph, or re-use the code word. This status is available on the Photo List web page, which will be described elsewhere. 

8/28/96       Page 7.18