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Keeping Records (a sample)

You will need to devise a method of keeping track of the photos you have requested. We recommend that you keep a master record in your classroom that includes the following information:

Title: a short title describing the target (e.g. San Diego; Mt. St. Helens; Australia; etc.)

Lat/lon: the latitude and longitude of the target.

MET: the mission elapsed time of the photo (found using the Map web pages)

Priority: the priority that you assign to the photo (1 has the highest priority; 10 the lowest)

Code word: the code word that you have assigned to that target. The code word should carry the priority assigned.

Record number: the record number that goes with the code word. You will use the number to follow the status of your photo after you have submitted it.

Status: students will use this column to keep track of the status of their photo request. The current status is found on the Photo List page.

Sample table

[[8 column table]]
| Title | lat | lon | MET | priority | code word | record # | status |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| China | 29.2 N| 119.2 E | 07/16:15:01 | 1 | shore17 | 31 | 2 |
| Jebel Toubkal, Morocco | 30.83 N | 7.96 W | 07/00:51:02 | 2 | plate34 | 121 | 3 |
| French Coastline | 48.97 N | 0.86 E | 06/21: 37:13 | 5 | toner51 | 176 | 2 |
[[/8 column table]]

You may want to add other information to your own table to enable you to keep track of your photo selection and the status of your requests.


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