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Step (8). Prioritize Your Image Selections
After selecting all your sites for an orbit (repeating all the above steps) prioritize your image selections. Record the priority for each site and write it on your target list.

Step (9). Submitting Your Photo Requests
Once you have selected a priority for your image request, select a codeword that has that priority associated with it. Then go to the SMOC Photo Entry web page to submit your photo request (refer to page 7.13 on "How to Use the Photo Entry Paqe"). Enter the codeword and press return. After entering the codeword, fill the following information: school, photo title, latitude, longitude, radius, orbit number, MET, reason and description. When entering your photo requests be sure to enter all of the information in the correct format or your entry will not be accepted. Once you type all of the information, click on the send button. All of the information will then be sent to a database at UCSD. If your entry is accepted a confirmation will appear along with the record number for that photo. You will later use the record number to find out the status of your photo request.

During the flight (or simulations preceding the flight), there will be photo submission deadlines displayed on the SMOC Status web page in the Upcoming Deadlines box. Be sure to pay attention to the deadline of when your photo selections must be submitted to the MCG at UCSD for each orbit. If they are not submitted in time, your photos will not be able to be taken.

Step (10). Checking the Status of Your Photo Requests
Now you can check the SMOC Photo List web page to see the status of your photo requests. You will be able to sort the photos by MET, record number, status, orbit number, school, or title. The Photo List Page will tell you whether your photos have been taken, if they need to be replanned etc.

10/29/96            Page 7.32