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Exploring the Images


As seen from space, Earth is a beautiful planet. The pictures that your students will take using the KidSat camera capture that beauty in a direct and personal way. The astronauts themselves find similar awe in looking at and photographing Earth from their orbital vantage point:

"We were astonished to discover that, during a flight, you have to learn anew not only to look, but also to see. At first the finest nuances of color elude you, but gradually your vision sharpens and your color perception becomes richer, and the planet spreads itself before you with all its indescribable beauty"
Vladimir Lyakhov

So, please, before you go any further, stop reading this and take a closer look at the images, either the printed or on-line images that accompany these materials, and find a couple of pictures that speak to your heart with their beauty.

Keep those images in mind as you proceed with the activities and information in this chapter.

11/05/96                                Page 8.2