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South Island, New Zealand (image #STS056-101-064)

Background for the teacher: This image shows snow-capped mountains, with rivers that run off into two prominent lakes. It is a good image for exploring the relationship among mountains, snow, rivers, lakes and agriculture. The upper valleys are glacial. There are canals coming off the lakes.

Possible starting points for investigations:

• Find South Island, New Zealand on a map or globe.

• Why are the rivers braided?

• Trace one of the rivers back to the snow fields where it originates. Are there multiple sources of the rivers?

• Why are the tops of the mountains white and the bases brown?

• What is the linear shape coming off the lakes? Why isn't it curved like the rivers?

• What is the green area on the right side, and why does it have small green and brown rectangular areas?

11/05/96     Page 8.21