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Table 2: SMOC Positions (Redwood SMOC)

MOD: Mission Operations Director
• Oversees all SMOC activities
• Directs all briefing sessions
• Maintains constant contact with all team members on shift
• Inputs data from completed Mission Target Planning forms to Gateway
• Updates target status on whiteboard
• Updates binder containing Mission Target Planning forms
• Reviews MOD journal from prior shifts
• Records shift information in MOD journal

FIDO: Flight Dynamics Officer
• Monitors KidSat Web pages
• Records: orbit numbers, descending nodes, and day/night terminators
• Reports working orbits, present orbits, and target due times
• Reads and interprets orbital maps as needed
• Reads and evaluates Crew Timeline, and relates to photo opportunities
• Reviews target sheets for day/night availability, camera availability and shuttle position
• Gives targets to SMOC commanders for assigned code words, or returns them to Mission Targeting Specialist (MTS) for retargeting with reason
• Operates land phones, facsimile, and email communication as necessary 
• Reviews FIDO journal from previous shift
• Records all shift information in FIDO journal
• Participates in debriefing and briefing activities

LTP: Long-Term Planner
• Develops preflight list of targets based on PI/class investigations
• Predicts upcoming photo opportunities of PI/class site from chart list
• Utilizes slider map to predict possible targets to support PI/class
• Completes appropriate LTP form
• Informs MTS of latitude and longitude of proposed targets on MTS form
• Retargets appropriate orbit according to priority list of PI/class investigations
• Keeps the PI/class investigations chart updated
• Reviews LTP journal from previous shift
• Records all shift information in LTP journal
• Participates in debriefing and briefing activities