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VII. The Three Missions

The KidSat pilot consisted of three missions on the shuttle, part three of the nine shuttle missions that flew to the Russian Mir Space Station. These missions were selected because the orbit inclinations of 51[[dregree-symbol]] provided a view of most of the United States. There was also a significant amount of time before and after docking with Mir when the shuttle was flying in the Z-axis Local Vertical (-ZLV attitude during which the KidSat camera could see Earth.

[[3 images]]
Figure 50: Logos for STS-76 (left), STS-81 (center), and STS-86 (right).

Table 8: Summary of Missions

STS-76                             Crew                  Mission Goals
Launch Date March 22, 1996      Kevin Chilton         Third Mir docking, 
Landing Date March 31, 1996     Richard Searfoss      crew delivery Lucid
Duration (days) 9.22            Ronald Sega 
No. Orbs 144                    Richard Clifford
Hours Op.* 37                   Linda Godwin**
No. Schools 3                   Shannon Lucid
No. Students ~380
No. Photos 326

STS-81                             Crew                  Mission Goals
Launch Date January 12, 1997    Mike Baker            Fifth Mir docking, 
Landing Date January 22, 1997   Brent Jett            crew exchange 
Duration (days) 10.21           Jeff Wisoff           (Linenger/Blaha)|
No. Orbs 160                    John Grunsfield
Hours Op.* 72                   Marsha Ivins**
No. Schools 17                  Jerry Linenger
No. Students ~3000              John Blaha
No. Photos 540

STS-86                             Crew                  Mission Goals
Launch Date September 25, 1997  James Wetherbee       Seventh Mir docking 
Landing Date October 6, 1997    Mike Bloomfield**     crew exchange
Duration (days) 10.80           Scott Parazynski      (Foale/Wolf)
No. Orbs 169                    Valdimir Titov
Hours Op.* 38                   Jean-Loup Chrétien
No. Schools 52                  David Wolf
No. Students ~6000              Michael Faole
No. Photos 656

*Total hours of operation for the KidSat camera
**KidSat Payload Officer