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8.3.6 Highlights in STS-86 from the SMOCs
Rie Cowan, Johns Hopkins University IAAY, KidSat Education Team

The Redmond SMOC in California included five middle schools. A week long summer institute for 50 students was held in August 1997 to prepare for the flight, which occurred at the start of the school year. The SMOC was in full operation continuously during the time the camera was in operation. Following the mission, the Redwood SMOC held a science symposium for 160 students, and the KidSat images are currently being used for science fairs and history day projects.

Russel Middle School in Nebraska partnered with Offutt Air Force Base to provide global weather information for STS-86. They created a KidSat Hall of Information for school tours, and produced business cards, brochures, and a video using the school technology center. The Russell SMOC operated continuously during the times the KidSat was in operation.

Davis Drive Middle School in North Carolina involved an entire eighth grade in KidSat. They conducted a successful mission using modems and eight telephone lines routed in the media center. Images are being used for History Day and Science Fair projects. 

Pine Hall Elementary in North Carolina obtained T-1 lines and Internet services donated by Sprint. They held a press conference attended by three local TV stations, two local radio stations, and state and local newspapers. Six students were flown to the launch at KSC and were able to interview astronauts for a school television program.

James Island Middle School in South Carolina involved an entire sixth grade and used images to guide a sixth grade thematic unit on rain forests.

The School of the Arts in South Carolina partnered with Buist Academy for image selection, and worked with hard copy images to produce their student research projects. Their results were presented to parents at Family Science Night.

8.4 Detailed Coverage Maps from all Missions

The maps on the following pages show the locations of all KidSat images from different regions of the world.