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Images with 50% overlap:    Images:

[[2 sets of images in a row]]
Mountain Range

[[Image to the Left]]
D = distance between images (km)
d = overlap (km)
W = length of image km
[[//Image to the Left]]

[[Right Half]]
Best Stereo:

B/H=0.5 Best
B/H>0.5 Exaggerated
H=400 km
B=200 km
[[/Right Half]]

[[Image to the Right]]
B = distance between photos (km) = D
H = Shuttle Altitude
[[/Image to the Right]]

Calculating C, D and T (time between images):
d = W x %overlap
D = W - d
t = D/v
v = Shuttle speed = 7.66 km/sec at 400 km altitude

[[7 Column Table inside Box]]
|(mm)|(km)|Overlap|(km)|(km)|(sec)| |
| | |50|200|201|26|Good|
|50|225|30|68|157|20| |
| | |50|112|113|15| |
|85|132|30|40|92|12| |
| | |50|66|66|9| |
|180|62|30|19|43|6| |
| | |50|31|31|4| |

Transcription Notes:
not really sure if I can put words between [[image]] and [[/image]]