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in the acquisition, analysis, and scientific interpretation of space-derived data. In close cooperation with the NASA sponsored California Space Grant Program, CalSpace has gained considerable experience in incorporating remotely sensed images and shuttle photos of the Earth into educational curricula (EarthRISE Project).

UCSD was responsible for the design and implementation of the Mission Operations system that enabled students to plan a sequence of KidSat images and transmit that information to the instrument in space, using the KidSat Mission Control Gateway (MCG) at UCSD. The system consisted of the personal computer-based SMOCs in the schools, with links to the MCG via the Internet. The MCG was linked to the Mission Control Center at JSC via a dedicated line. Specifically, the University:
• proposed and documented the mission requirements for the MCG and SMOCs for approval
• developed and executed an MCG and SMOC system design, development, and implementation plan including interface specifications to the other mission elements
• developed and executed an MCG and SMOC integration and test plan,
• developed a training and procedures program for all MCG- and SMOC-associated personnel
• supported the KidSat mission SIMs, supported launch and flight operations during the KidSat missions, including replanning functions and all operations procedures
• supported post-mission analysis associated with the MCG and SMOCs.