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08/04/94 14:38 Fax 818 354 9476 JPL HSE Group ->->-> Ride 001/004

Fax Cover Sheet

    Hydrology, Soils, and Ecology Group. Fax: 818-354-9476
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory       Secretary:818-354-2111
    Mail Stop 300-233
    4800 Oak Grove Drive
    Pasadena, CA 91109

To: Sally Ride    From: Jobea Way   Date:8/4/94   Pages:1
    619-534-7452        818-354-8225


It looks like the Senate approved the Space Station* without KidSat's help! I think we still should do press release at the end of the summer. Here's the one I forgot to xerox for you-enjoy your quotes!

We are scheduled with the Fred's as follows (at JPL)
          Fred O'Callaghan    Friday, 9:00 233-300
          Fred Shair          Friday, 10:30 183-900

Also attached is the DDF (Director's Discretionary Fund) abstract. Let's review it next week based on NSF ideas after the Fred meetings.


P.S. Sally-latest news is Kathy will not be at banquet but I put in a call to her to try to change her mind.

*Kerrey's office said he was planning to vote for it.