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[[circled]] 3 [[\circled]]

What Happens With Photos?
-FILM.... Don't Get Them Til They Land
-> Photo Lab
      To Identify Each Photo...By Hand (Light Table)
      Lat/Lon, Country/State, Features

=> Enter Into Database

416 Book
Now All Info Is In Database(Electronic)
[[arrow from "Info" to "But"]] But Just Info Designated

=>They've Gone Back To Digitize All Photos
(Scan Them In) 
(1) Exist On 2 Laser Disks
(2) A Few On Servers At JSC
-> Develop A Good/Easy Way To SEARCH
-> Incorporate Photos in SEARCH=> [[border around text]] 2-3 Flights ≈ 20,000 photos [[/border around text]] 
->Add Captions

Transcription Notes:
Corrected some abbreviations read incorrectly (looked up NASA abbreviations). Slight formatting changes