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Magnetosphere: ~< 10 RE (sunward side)
B⇀ ~ .3 G at surface of Earth
.001 G at magnetopause
(~ .0001 G in solar wind)
E⇀ ~ .2 mv/m in magnetosphere (from change [[?]].)
(~ 2 mv/m in solar wind)
eB/mc = wB => T ~ 1/wB = moEe
Bounce period ~ sEe -> min
Drift period ~ min -> hr
e- density: ~ 10-1000 e-/cm3
Energy: ~ 10 kev - 1 ev
λB ~ < 1 m - 100 m
^ = plasma parameter = # of e- in λD3
in magnetosphere ~ ^ ~ 1010
wp <~ 10 mHz
# of collisions/sec ~ Wp/^ ~ 10-4 => collisionless

25  5 x 10 -10 x B/ 9 x 15 -28 x 3 x 10 10 ≈ 10 3
B ~ 27 x 10 -15 x 6/ 5 x 10 -10
W = 2πv = 30 x 10 -5
T = 1/D = 2π/w ~ 3 x 10 -4 6