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[[6 column table]]

Description/Name | Manufacturer | Model # | UCSD  ID # | Serial # | Notes

Card swipe brain | Security Electronics | | | SE422-NK957 | |
Voice loop power supply | NASA | | | F338118 | |
Palm Pilot Professional | US Robotics | | | 105817C77U7U | |
Palm Pilot Professional | US Robotics | | | 105817M77768 | |
Palm Pilot Professional | US Robotics | | | 105817C77TX1 | |
Palm Pilot Professional | US Robotics | | | Jay??? | |
Palm Pilot Modem | US Robotics | | | 105D1967628B | |
Palm Pilot Modem | US Robotics | | | 105D196761R6 | |
PCMCIA 33.6 modem/ethernet card | US Robotics | XJEM3336T | | 104U1987S0K0 | |
PCMCIA 33.6 modem/ethernet card | US Robotics | XJEM3336T | | 104U19975267 | |
PCMCIA 33.6 modem/ethernet card | US Robotics | XJEM3336T | | 104U198750K0 | |
56K Fax/Modem | US Robotics | | | 21NG2A97BR75 | |
56K Fax/Modem | US Robotics | | | 21NG2A97BP0E | |
56K Fax/Modem | US Robotics | | | 21NZ2AC7FEM6 | |
Video modem & capture card | US Robotics | Big Picture | | 21LH6560357 | |
CD writer | HP| 6020 | 976032545 | | |
Zip drive | Iomega | | | RADH19M1F3 | |
Zip drive | Iomega | | | RAGH2981LN | |
Zip drive | Iomega | | | RAGH296253 | |
Jax drive | Iomega | | | W1EU1405PR | |

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