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The Alps and other Cenozoic (from 5-65 million years ago) mountains of the Mediterranean region formed as the African plate moved northward and collided with the Eurasian plate. All of the images contain evidence of the predominant direction of compression. 
STS076.ESC.0022554 Pakistan
STS081.ESC.00225435 Iran
STS081.ESC.00212631 China
STS081.ESC.00212736 Nepal
STS081.ESC.07200822 Pakistan
STS081.ESC.01225445 Iran
The Himalayas are even younger than the Alps, having formed during the Neogene Period (24 millions to present), most of the Himalayan uplift has occurred in the last 5 million years. Because they are so young, the Himalayas are the tallest mountain range on earth, with Mt. Everest, the tallest mountain on earth, at 8848m. Even the Tibetan Plateau, north of the Himalayan front, stands at an elevation of 5 km higher than any mountain peak in the contiguous United States. The collision of the Indian craton, which was once separate from the Asian craton, collided with Eurasia and resulted in the uplift of the Himalayas. The result of the collision was not only uplift, but also a broad region of folding and faulting oriented parallel to the collision zone. As you look at the images, try to identify the structural features of the region as described in the following map.