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National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Buenos Aires, Argentina

Latitude: 34.52°S   Longitude: 58.49°W
Date: January 30, 1998
Type of Image: EarthKAM
Image ID #: STS089.ESC.07154137

Argentina's capital city of Buenos Aires (a), is home to about 13 million people, more than 1/3 of the country's population. This image provides an excellent example of an urban landscape. Recognizable features include road patterns, especially major highways into and out of the city, a large airport (b), and port facilities on the coast (c). The darker regions within the city are parks and other areas with vegetation. The rectangular patterns, outside of the city, suggest that the countryside is heavily farmed.

Buenos Aires was built on the coast of the Rió de la Plata (d), the large, muddy estuary which forms part of the border between Argentina (e) and Uruguay (f). At the head of the estuary is the large delta of the Rió Paraná (g). The muddy pattern in the water, called the water turbidity, is formed by the heavy sediment loads (sand and mud) carried by the Paraná and the Uruguay River. The turbidity shows the circular pattern of the surface water in the estuary (h).

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EarthKAM images and lessons:
JSC Earth From Space image database:
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Transcription Notes:
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