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[[image]] National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Rió Salado, Argentina

[[3 images]]

Latitude: 25.31°S Longitude: 64.29°W
Date: October 4, 1997
Type of Image: EarthKAM
Image ID #: STS086.ESC.08162147

Cultivated fields create the main visual pattern for this image, which is located in northern Argentina at the foothills of the Andes Mountains (a). This is one of the new regions of rapid development in Argentina. The pattern of yellow-tan rectangles--large agricultural fields (b)--suggests that the fields are corporate agriculture, not small independent farms. The agriculture extends north of the Rió Salado (c) and follows the main road north to Bolivia.

There is a finer structure on the larger fields-- possibly smaller plots planted in the same crop. The fields decrease in size and change shape toward the river. The pattern of long, skinny plots radiating from the river (d) indicates that water access and river front property are high priorities, and that water control is an important regional issue. The Rió Salado also has a reservoir (e) near one corner of the image. Several smaller rivers (f) cut across the image. The dark region to the west and northwest is mostly forested undeveloped land (g).

Additional Information:
EarthKAM images and lessons:
JSC Earth From Space image database:
NASA Spacelink:
