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10. Occasional challenge inspections of ammunition ships could be used to verify that reloads are not carried with the fleet.
11. A related issue would be to require that nuclear air-launched cruise missiles (ALCMs) are not capable of being fired from existing SLCM launchers. Current U.S. ALCMs meet this condition, but it is not known if this holds for Soviet ALCMs.
12. For a discussion of the missions of U.S. SLCMs, see T. Terriff, Survival, (January/February 1989), pp. 52-69.
13. Some of the background information for this article was obtained through visits at the unclassified level to U.S. naval facilities, the technical on-site inspection unit at Sandia National Laboratories, and cruise missile production and assembly facilities. This paper was prepared while the authors were in residence at the Center for International Security and Arms Control, Stanford University. We acknowledge the support of the Carnegie, Hewlett, and MacArthur Foundations. We also express our appreciation to D. Bernstein and S. Drell for their advice and encouragement.