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California Math & Science Teach Initiative (Scott) 
(SB 112, SB 858, SB 859) 

California's economy is highly dependent on jobs that require strong math and science skills. Yet too many students are not learning the math and science skills they need to enter careers in science, technology, engineering or mathematics because they do not have teachers who are fully prepared to teach math and science. We need to do something about that. 

This year, I am proposing three bills that will help ensure that all students have qualified math and science teachers by 1 removing barriers for retired teachers to serve part-time or as mentors, 2 providing intensive assistance for teachers teaching out of field, 3 encouraging math and science teachers to serve where they are most needed and 4 providing clear and direct pathways to enable mid-career professionals to enter teaching in our most critical shortage areas. These efforts will help California remain a national and world leader in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. 

The California Mathematics and Science Teacher initiative will help California accomplish the following:

[[image - pencil]] Close the achievement gap by:

✓ Helping to ensure all students have a qualified math and science teachers

✓ Creating opportunities for students to master state-adopted academic standards and understands how math and science skills are used in different careers 

✓ Ensuring that current math and science teachers receive the professional development they need to deepen their knowledge, maintain their skills, and utilize adopted curriculum 

✓ Encouraging teachers to serve where they are most needed through home loan assistance programs for teachers who agree to work in low performing schools 

[[image - pencil]] Maintain competitiveness in STEM fields by: 

✓ Encouraging more students to major in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics fields 

[[image - pencil]] Address the shortage of math and science teachers by: 

✓ Removing bureaucratic barriers for retired teachers willing to serve as part-time teachers or mentors 

✓ Helping out field teachers become qualified to teach classes in math or science 

✓ Facilitating the recruitment of mid-career professionals interested in teaching math and science 

✓ Encouraging high school students to become math or science teachers