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SB 112- Retired Teachers as Mentors 

SB 112 makes it easier for school districts to hire retired teachers to serve as mentors to newly certified and intern teachers to help them "learn the ropes" of the profession. 
Current law would require many teachers who have retired or had a break in service to pass the CBEST before employment with a local education agency. This requirement discourages many accomplished teachers who retired or took time out to raise a family from returning to employment and making meaningful contributions to our schools. SB 112 exempts credentialed teachers who are seeking employment after a break in service from taking the CBEST if they have previously taken and passed the exam, achieved a passing score on specified standardized exams, or possessed a teaching credential that was issued before 1983. 

Specifically, this bill would: 

[[image - pencil]] Eliminate the basic skills requirement for credentialed teachers if they have previously passed CBEST 

[[image - pencil]] Conform requirements for returning teachers to changes made by SB 1209 (Chapter 517, Scott, 2006), by allowing teachers to use scores from the Graduate Records Examination (GRE) General Test, the SAT Reasoning Test, or the ACT Plus Writing test in lieu of a passing score on CBEST 

[[image - pencil]] Exempts teachers who possessed a credential before February 1, 1983 from having to demonstrate basic skills proficiency in post-retirement employment 

SB 858- California Mathematics and Science Teacher Initiative 

SB 858 establishes a new local assistance program to help individuals demonstrate content knowledge required to be a math or science teacher. SB 858 provides funds to local education agencies to deliver intensive study courses to prepare individuals to take subject matter exams in math or science 

Specifically, SB 858 would enable school districts or county offices of education to: 

[[image - pencil]] Provide intensive study courses to prepare individuals to take the CSET in math or sciences and pay fees for first-time test takers

[[image - pencil]] Provide release time to teachers for activities associated meeting the subject matter requirement for a math or science teaching credential 

[[image - pencil]] Provide individuals who complete all work toward math or science credential with a one-time bonus of $1,000