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(1) Congratulations to all of you <-> you're making a real difference in your communities + a real in [[strikethrough]]it[[/strikethrough]] lives of many.

(2) My background - how I got involved - share experiences. Stanford / Ad / 35 -> 6


Lots of opportunities out there _ _ Microbiologist, Journalist, astronaut
I was lucky to see ad, had prepared
you're at stage where you're preparing - building foundation

When I was a little girl...
I know that through your hard work, creativity, + dedication, you're all "reach _ _" + achieve...

(2) Lovell

Congratulate you... making a real difference in lives of so many
How I got involved, some experiences =>
what I'm doing now
Stanford / AD / 35->6          DADDY
JSC - 4000/~3 ->  welcoming ceremonies - cufflinks
Had worked -> CLH

Back -> update on women in space => [every flt Eileen Shannon
But NASA's doing better than most
9% Eng, 20% ===>
Imaginary lines + SRSC
[[left margin]]
Toy challenge
Local after school club
[[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
For the first line, not sure if it's youre or you're