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[[center margin]] Honor - MIT [[center margin]]
[[right margin]] 1 [[right margin]]
[[left margin]]National Cathedral School [[left margin]](circled)
[Lovell      When astronaut J. L. was circling the moon, he looked back at our planet & described earth as a grand (underlined) oasis in great (underlined) vastness...

[Honored...Distinguished speakers...advantage
well-known for commitment to (education) issues feel so strongly about

[[right margin]]Mad. Albright Doris Kearns Goodwin Sandra Day O'Connor [[/right margin]]

[[left margin]]Approp. to lunch [[/left margin]]  
How I got involved; experiences

[Stanford/AD ;(big deal)  35/6


[Reported to NASA - Houston  1st arrived: series of welcoming events (set of gifts).
In a sign that they weren't used to women astros: cuff links.

JSC ~ 4000 sci + eng  1 female eng  1 biochem

As they prepared to bring in women astros
biochem "annointed" expert (underlined) in all issues
selection committee
consult on everything  astro gym (never had w. locker rm
size of lockers
# of towels
==> suggested hair dryers [[right margin]]

[Not unique to NASA....
credit: committed to change, veantagery supportive(of 6)

[Shuttle began flying ~ 3 yrs later
test of new concept --> crew of 2 (seats)
--> slides (underlined multiple)  ==>[JY