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[[ right upper margin]]Grand oasis, Great vastness... [[right upper margin]]


[It was the combination of imagination, innovation and technology that led to the creation of the Space Pgm.
   - It was born in the imagination of a few visionaries
   - Then became the dream of a nation
     - 1000's adding their piece, making their contribution
- There was a real commitment to the dream
   - people involved stuck with it, persevered....'til the dream = reality.
[[Right Margin notes]] Space Pgm is shining ex. of what our country can do when we [[strikethrough]] put our [[/strikethrough]] put our minds to it
^[[Right Margin pencil notes]] shuttle T, 5 lucky astros go alone, but lifted by ded, hard work + commitment of 1000's
-> Huge team of people, diverse background, div. respons, all working toward common goal
=> Key to NASA success (any venture)]]
   [Now NASA's at the forefront of a revolution - a rev. in understanding the universe, and our place it in.
You're also at forefront of rev. - one that's opening a portal to a new universe one that also involves marriage of imag, innov. & tech. A rev. that's changing the way people access and interact with information and each other.

 =>One of things...we need to make sure that girls growing up today are an increasing part of that revolution

[How I got involved.... 

Stanford, ad, 35/6     [Daddy]

Reported to NASA/Houston. JSC: ~4000 engineers.  1 female engineer, 1 female scientist (biochem). Series of welcoming events, sets of gifts.  In a sign that they were't used to women astros.....cuff links.

   =>Biochem "annointed" as expert: selection committee; consultant on everything (astro gym....size of lockers, # of dryers)

    =>Environment not unique to JSC.  Typical of gov't and eng. Ctrs.

    =>NASA committed to change, supportive.  Critical: visible commitment from the top

Transcription Notes:
Pgm. abbrev expanded to program Added brackets for hand notes in right margin. Notes in pen are overwritten on pencil notes, picked back up when the notes are legible Arrows denoted by dash