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[[Upper right margin]] 2.[[/upper right margin]]
Intent: - Motivate M.S. students to learn (providing exciting, real-world application for studies)
- Provide real-world research/learning exp for ucsd
[[double underlined]]First[/double underlined]]: give you feel for - connection & space pgm - relevance of images to education
->[[double underlined]]Slides[[/double underlined]]:
launch [carried up in shuttle; has launched 4 times]
spas [camera in crew cabin]
SB-7 crew [prime real estate]
camera [mounted in window; connected to PC; SW controls; hooked in to comm systm 
sense of view: FLA, KSC
relevance of photos: geology, meteorology, biology, environment
[[double underlined]]History[[/double underlined]] & scale of program
1st shuttle flight 2 1/2 yrs ago (1996) - 3 middle schools
2nd flight - 17
3rd flt - 52/4th~60
5th coming up this academic yr: ~90 M.S. <-> 10,000 students around the country (+int'l)
[[double underlined]]UCSD's]role[[/double underlined]: provide link between NASA + middle schools (central to pgm => enables scaling to large #'s)