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[[upper left margin]]Lovel circling moon, [[our?]] Mars Grand oasis Great vastness [[/upper left margin]]

- Welcome to opening => fantastic day for it; beautiful mall
- Exciting for me:
Holds 1st space camp[[strikethrough]] facility[[/strikethrough]]in a mall
=>You're going to like this place - [[underlined]]great[[/underlined]] facility for kids => boys [[double underlined]]+[[/double  underlined]] girls
[[double underlined]]+[[double underlined]] not just those who want to be astros but all those curious about space, + about science + tech, + those who like to learn by [[underlined]]doing[[/underlined]] + experiencing
=> shows that science + math can lead to exciting careers of expl. + discovery
- Spending my time encouraging kids, esp. girls, to follow their dreams, + pursue interests in sci... whether vet, astro[[?]], oceanographer or rkt sci.
- Formed the Sally Ride Sci Club to support girls w/ those interests, + we've partnered w/ space camp to form parent-daughter S.C. S.R. space camps for [[crossed out]][[bo?]][[/crossed out]] girls 7-11 + P/G
*Very 1st in Huntsville in late Nov
- Also been encouraged by ATL community to org sci festival for M.S. girls => Sat Nov. 17 @ Ag. S.
[[left margin with lines]]When I was-- a little girl, dreamed...-- still can't believe.-[[/left margin with lines]]
Sci festivals, parent-daughter sp. camps, space camp @ Stonecrest => all places where kids can follow their dreams + reach for the stars!