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COMMONWEALTH CLUB                               1       Lovell: grand oasis, great vastness
"Greatest challenge facing humanity" <=> Greatest opportunity ^For H.... Education

For Individuals (anywhere) - Ed. -(leads to opp.) lights the path out of poverty & dispair

For Nations - An educated, motivated workforce is the key to competitive adv. in global economy

-->             [A Little History => Instructive]
The US awoke to this in the 1950's. ^=> Days of the Cold War, world was shaped around struggle betw 2 superpowers--
US & USSR -- Struggle for international influence, & prestige, & power.

In that struggle, US (//strikethrough)had seen (//strikethrough) viewed itself as the technologically superior --> & that in any ^potential conflict, our tech advantages would carry the day.

Then 1 day in Oct, 1957 => Our bubble was burst
                           Our self-image shattered

Sov. Union successfully launched the world's 1st ever satellite into space (Sputnik) => we couldn't do that
we weren't tech. superior

=> if their rockets could carry sat's -> orbit
                 could carry nuc. weapons to US

Deeply affected the psyche of the nation

Nation's response was swift & dramatic, & focused on increasing (substantially & visibly increasing) our sci & tech competence & capabilities. Led immediately to NASA & to a nationwide ^emphasis - a full court press - (//strikethrough) emphasis (//strikethrough) on sci & math education

=> Re-invigorated & transformed it in schools & elevated sci & eng. to nationally important status. ->