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You can make a real difference in girls lives if reach them at this age, + expose them to sci + eng they can relate to, + work they see as relevant 

[=>why your pgms are so important, + why we've focused on this same age]

[[left margin]]one pgm we're particularry excited about[[/left margin]] [[arrow point at]] teacher tng pgm, based on this research, that targets elementary + middle school teachers (on the front lines, interacting w/ students when internalizing msgs...)

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makes them aware of important of sci ed in all students 

makes them aware of what research says about when + why students (esp girls + underrep minorities) disengage

makes them aware of affect subtle msgs have at that age 

=>particularly about who does sci. 
what sci/eng do 
who might be sci.

gives them resources + strategies to take back to classroom (not add'l curric)

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train the trainer 
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materials to support + enable them to train others