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[in circle 4]
Results to date:
Trained 400 trainers (Summer 2009 [2090?])
[bullet point] Representing 40 districts around the country
[[underline By] June, [?] have trained ~ 5000 teachers
(Heavy Concentration in TX: [?] + Near Dallas + Near)
==> 3rd Party Evaluation
1st yr Results -- Statistically Sig Impact on 
[bullet point] Teacher Practice
[bullet point] Student Attitudes
[in box "This to This"]
Now adapting training to bring it to large districts or regions
[Partner w/ girlstart]
- - -
/ Was lucky to see ad, but prepared...
Girls [Strikethrough] in your PGMS are at the stage
They're BLDG FD'N to take ADV....
Just need support, ENC., + access to quality PGMS
==> When a Little Girl...
Know that thru your passions, dedication + commitment, you'll help 1000's of girls reach + achieve - --