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[[circled]] 1 [[circled]]

[[top left corner]]
GE mega (dc) women's GP, L.G.
[[top left corner]]

SL1 Lovell (grand oasis, ...

SL2 Daunting title. focus passion of mine (+ likely many here)

SL3 Carl Sagan summarized broad issue beautifully

SL4 Sagan

SL5 [why care?] (educating this gen sci/tech)
•As Sagan implied...
•To continue innovation need a...
•beyond that...
[far right] •vote responsibly
[far right] •decisions that affect their lives
•important to expose + ed all kids - B+G - enable them to explore their interests, keep options open

SL6 [my point] (here's where get to show slides)
•No female astros (few female sci) as role models
→ fascinated by sci [+ B+W tv]
•Parents not sci/eng → valued e.d., provided options enc, intrests
•teachers → confidence

→ Stanford/ad 36/6 [daddy]

JSC, got in line SB-7 standing start → 17.5 kpl float view of earth

slides →