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[[circled]] 2 [[circled]]

SL [sci ed today]
•good news (x2)
•bad news

SL [why do we lose them?]
   •This country,don't consider important
   •Not nat'l priority/imperative              (>Sputnik ... kids aspired to -> Eng)
•Culture => Ask 7th grader to draw sci
=> Einstein (not image to aspire to...)

[[boxed]] Girls => 12 yr old EE
cool = math
1) mom + math 

•Subtle stereotypes
•Schools: sci content => trying to address
=> Focus on 5th-8th grade (philosophy of SRS => don't have to convert)

SL [What works]
[Events, after-sch pgms, cool sci materials]

SL [Eco] => preview (product of collab)
Topic of L.G. (preserving + sustaining earth's resources)
• broad interest (kids; esp girls)
• relevant 
• "cool"  / not much good sci. valid engaging materials + activities for classrooms

[[bottom left margin notes]]
- book
- box
Female role models
[[bottom left margin notes]]