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Lovell Marlborough
(Happy to be here... Global marathon ->Lenovo + Verezz[[?]] Advocate of sci ed, particularly...
Always interested in sci (also share “inability.” Rec. Reach [[?]] ) (grew up in LA, sports...)
-> Westlake -> Teachers
Stanford/AD/(35/6) -> Daddy
Qualms: Teamwork <-> (Harvard)
JBC -> Got in line

[[right margin]]
5.3-7: Standing start
-> 17-5k
(Share w/you)
[[/right margin]]


Now... Few minutes on our theme today, &
importance of enc. girls to maintain 
interest in science, creating opps for them to
pursue those interests & support structure to help thru-out career

-> 1st: Why should we care (Shirley)? (Whether girls & young women science)
• Sagan: “It’s suicidal to create a soc. that depends on sci/tech, in which no one knows anything about sci/tech”
• Sci & tech are engines...

[[left margin]]
Indep of sci circus [[?]]
[[/left margin]]

• Important -> scientifically literate citizens [policy - CH effect - ESV. etc
• -> Give every student opp. to reach his/her potential [& ensure don’t foreclose options]

-> is there a problem?

Transcription Notes:
Lots of arrows in the original text that I’m not sure how to transcribe. Illegible notes in red before (grew up in LA, sports...) Up arrow needed at third bullet point.