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Alice: Mother -> Detroit Lakes, Carleton <- (Dis-Owned)
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Lorell: Grand Oasis, Great Vastness [Sci Ed, Girls!, my path, Q+A] MN ED.
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Sagan: It's suicidal to create soc. that  depends on sci/tech, in which no one knows anything....

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engines & econ
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• sci & tech are engines that drive econ

→ ironic that our soc,. that relies so much on sci/tech → & got to be a world leader thru ability to innov.., eng., & expl.- puts so little value on emphasis on sci education.

→ your schools are developing workforce that will [[?]] fuel MN's econ in future →  it's critical to provide that future workforce [students] w/ the sci/math/tech knowledge & skills they'll need to know MN to compete globally. TX congratulations for emphasis

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[[strikethrough]] 310.665.5700 [[/strikethrough]] 
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Other countries now put far more emphasis on sci/tech than US does nat'ly →  & it's starting to show.

Over last several years, lost our competitive adv

→ China and India 
•Have people who are just as smart
•now educating & TNG[[training?]] them just as well [& sometimes better in early stages]
•Doing so in large #'s

Time for us to wake up & respond to challenge, like we did 50 years ago after launch of sputnik

[[strikethrough]] → again [[/strikethrough]] value & emphasize sci + math ed.

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why is sci ed important? reasons for sci ed
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Point to emphasize
→ critical to provide good [quality] ed in sci/math for all our kids...