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[[upper right margin]][[circled]] 2 [[/circled]]
MN ED - 7 [[/upper right margin]]

-Needs to start early, & excite them both about sci & about opps. open to them. [not hard →later]

[[strikethrough]] need good sci tech teachers of future need ed today,[[/strikethrough]]

→ → Sci ed is imp. not just to train the rkt sci & env engs. of future → [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] sci ed also imp. just to create sci lit. citizens (so today's kids will be able to function, contrib, & make sound decisions in soc increasingly surrounded by sci & tech → Open Newspaper: •Global Warming
• Health Risks, Findings,
• Env Impact on eco's
managing H2O resources
[[Symbol encompassing all bullet points above]] Have to vote on issues & make decisions that affect their lives directly

[[left margin with an arrow coming from second line of second paragraph]] - Good basic Jobs [[strikethrough]] that pay living wages [[/strikethrough]] will increasingly req good math/sci skills. 
↑ Good sci/tech teachers of future need ed today.

Perhaps most basically, we owe it to these kids to give each of them - B & G - opp to reach their potential → which means giving them the [[strikethrough]]you[[/strikethrough]] 
[[underlined]]foundation & [[strikethrough]]resources[[/strikethrough]] to pursue whatever career interests them[[/underlined]]→ Don't want to foreclose options early.... [[strikethrough]]→Is there a prob? →[[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] ↓ → [[/strikethrough]]

My path → always interested B+W TV (space CGM); Parents,[[circled]] Teachers [[/circled]] [[off to the side]] Role models
Stanford/AD/[[strikethrough]]DAI[[/strikethrough]] 35(6) → [[multiple underlines]]Daddy[[/multiple underlines]]
[[black arrow pointing from paragraph before current one to sentence above]][[red arrow pointing from daddy to the sentence starting with "Standing start.."]]

[[right margin]]
[[red arrow pointing from teachers]] [[illegible words]] [[then red arrow down to]] astro [[another red arrow pointing to]] daddy
[[/right margin]]

JSC, Get in line
Standing start → 17.5K / 8 1/2 min
Weightless, View:
Great Barrier Reef 
Deforest. Mad.
Dust Storms
Great Lakes
← Share the view

Transcription Notes:
No errors identified