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[[circled in upper right margin]] 0 [[/circled in upper right margin]]


Talk about this a.m.  => Importance of Sci ED
-> Bring up-to-date on my activities in that area [[/strikethrough]] AUSTIN - CRIP CUT
1st, my path: So Cal (added in red ink)
Always interested, B+W TV'S (Tech of time) Parents... (Not Sci Ed) 
Teachers ... [CONFIDENCE]
[[arrow the left side pointing to the following]] Teachers & parents taught: Believe in yourself (& ideas) 
Maintain passion & commitment
=> [[cross-out]] It was [[/cross-out]] That's what carried me toward goals (even though others might not have believed I'd attain them) [[end arrow section]]
[[arrow pointing from bottom of side section]] Stanford/AD/35(6)
Daddy [[multiple underlines]]
--> Went to JSC, got in line
Turn - STS-7
[[right side margin]] Chance to strap into RKT
standing start --> 17.5K
Float weightless 
Look out at view
[[arrow from above phrase]] Great Barrier Reef
Glaciers on them. 
Winding Miss. [[arrow from this phrase to another]][[underlined]] Winding[[/underlined]] Miss River
[[cross-out]] (City Lights of how, Dallas, Austin at night [[/cross-out]]
- Rain forests of Madagascar
- Dust Storms
- [[crossed out]] (smog over LA [[/crossed out]]
- [[crossed out]]Central valley [[/crossed out]]
[[slightly lower than middle of the page]] [[circled]][[multiple underlines]]Slides[[/multiple underlines]] [[/circled]]
[[bottom of page, crossed-out]] Now => Importance of Sci ED
[[multiple underlines]]Sagan [[/multiple underlines]]

Transcription Notes:
Unclear whether top of page has a full strikethrough (curse of being a pharma chemist by training).