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[[circled]] 4 [[/circled]]

What engages kids?
1. [[underlined]]Good[[/underlined]] teachers who understand & can comm. both content & excitement of sci
• Background in subj
• Not acting on subtle stereotypes →  high expectations for all[[red arrow points from previous text to next text in a circle]] & it's tech → that gives access to resources, support, pd

[[strikethrough]][[each word underlined]]  
• coaches
• specialists
• p.d.
[[/strikethrough]][[/each word underlined]] 

→ thrilled to learn about regional math & sci academics 
prof dev is crucial → particularly for elem + m.s.

[[underline]]engages[[/underline]] 2. materials that [[insert in red ink]][print or online][[/insert in red ink]]
• connect sci → real world ([[underline]]relevant[[/underline]]for kids!)
• emphasize collab, hands-on nature, & importance of problems left to solve
• tell kids what sci do, & who sci are
→ introduce to role models they can i.d with 
→Our PGMs
[[footnote 1 in left margin--red ink]] After-school pgms
• eng
• earthscope (earth from space) → [[?]] delivery [[/footnote 1 in left margin--red ink]]
[[footnote 2 in left margin--red ink]]Passionate → & latest:
Suppl books (underlined) of packaged [?] 
                classroom seb w/ guides
      Sci careers
      Climate change[[/footnote 2 in left margin--red ink]]
[[footnote 3 in left margin--red ink]] PD ED inst
   & in conj w/ NSTA
   Symposium @ MW regional & WEB seminars
   --> P.D. sci careers & [[underline]]climate change[[/underline]]

→We understand that many teachers (elem & m.s.) don't know many current sci, the range of exciting sci careers, or what sci do
→ one thing we created: prof dev. workshop on sci careers
provide teachers info on sci careers, strategies to engage students, think about their interests, show them how their interests might connect to sci fields
→ supporting materials
(diverse role models, real people) 

Transcription Notes:
Is the bottom half of the page considered [[strikethrough]]?...footnotes on left margin do not appear stricken, but body of text below horizontal red ink line does. It is my guess in what order the added words in red would be included.