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[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]]


Those are keys to 21ST C sci ed...need teachers understand & can communicate importance of sci

We've embodied that vision in    •Sci events (festivals)
                           T/C   •After-school PGMS (EK) 

Suppl sci materials for classroom:   
Books & online materials on sci careers, space & astro
[[strikethrough]] I'm [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
& Just announced release of 2 
[[strikethrough]] 2 classroom set [[/strikethrough]] series: [[strikethrough]] of suppl books and [[/strikethrough]] 

<= Most recently [[strikethrough]] Suppl sci classroom sci materials in budg for educators: that goes w climate change & living green -> to go with our 2 newest sets that we've [[/strikethrough]]

Climate change
Earth's precious resources
Online TG & activities
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]

& [[crossed-out]] A blog for teachers to help them bring these topics to the classroom [[/crossed-out]]

[[left margin]] Important sci few material important to future -> Real desire to have an impact [[/left margin]] —— Important to kids: interested + have real desire to have an impact

We [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] chose topics of climate change & L.G. [[crossed-out]] for a reason: I believe this will be challenge that [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] energizes this generation the way that space PGM energized mine is solving the problem of global warming. Response to this challenge may draw students into sci/tech just like the response to challenge of Sputnik did in the 1960's. [[/crossed-out]]

[[strikethrough]] Some assembly req'd [[/strikethrough]]